St. Columban-Irish Forum

Full Version: Flyers for Event can now be Downloaded
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FYI - In case, you didn't receive this info by direct e-mail....

Hi Everyone;

As you may be aware, Jeff Legault has designed a couple of event flyers for our January extravaganza.

Our rough plan is to start announcing the event in a public manner sometime after our next meeting on October 21st. And then follow up with a second announcement that will include a Christmas theme sometime in late November. (Jeff has also posted the Christmas theme flyer) And, then, depending on the ticket sales, we might then do one last blitz promotion in early January.

So, when you have a chance could you all view the various flyers that Jeff has designed and please send us any comments or suggestions that you might have about these flyers.

Of course, if they appear to have all the information that you think should be included, you can certainly print some out immediately and start distributing them to friends and family or anyone else that you think might be interested in attending. These flyers could also be posted at various locations (i.e. Irish societies; bars; churches etc.)

Flyers can now be downloaded by scrolling down to the  bottom of the page at the following link... I

As a reminder, please reserve your own tickets ASAP and before we start our big public promotion blitz toward the end of this month.

Thanks, Take Care & Happy Thanksgiving
