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Full Version: St. Columban Event - Big, Big Success
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Beautiful! Terrific! Lovely! Great! Amazing!

The genuine compliments just kept coming and coming, last night, after our St. Columban Irish performance?

How can we possibly thank all of you for your dedication to this performance? Many of us didn?t even know each other, as we embarked on this journey - and we came together to present our story so well ? far beyond my wildest expectations!!?.

Everything just clicked and moved in perfect harmony like we had done it a thousand times before?

And Serena, in the excitement, I know that I forgot to thank you and John for the absolutely perfect stage management as well as, Kelley?s kids that did all the ?front of the house? duties so well!

Not really sure but I suspect that we had around 400 people in attendance, and after we do a little expense accounting, I?m sure that we raised some substantial money for the project. -Actually, someone gave me a check for $ 100. last night as a special donation!

And thanks Redmond for giving me some Irish diction lessons so I could finally pronounce Michael?s name properly!

I guess our next step, after a little well deserved rest, is to start investigating the type of monument that we want to build, and hopefully we?ll have enough to start the construction soon?and, perhaps ? just perhaps, we might be able to have a unveiling of the monument in the Fall ? who?s knows ? but we can try!!!

Anyway to all of you ? the band; narrators; readers and, of course the dancers, as well as all the people ?behind the scenes? like Jeff and Ken and Anne, and Claude, and again Serena & John etc?(I'm sure I'm forgetting someone!!!).....

Thank you all ? Thank you very, very much !!! Take Care


You guys did a great job!! You all should be proud of yourselves!!!

Sean 8-)
Cette soir?e m?morable figure des lendemains fort prometteurs pour notre projet . Sur place, deux journalistes m'ont approch? pour des articles et je me fait un devoir de diffuser la bonne nouvelle dans les m?dias francophones et la communaut? de Saint-Colomban.

Plus qu'un simple spectacle,  la soir?e du 27 a cr?? une l?gitimit? qui fera boule de neige dans les prochaines semaines.

Bravo les amis et au plaisir de poursuivre l'?pop?e.

NOTE: Il est fortement question que le DVD soit disponible pour le 17 mars. Un lancement officiel serait de mise !




Translation of Claude Bourguignon's message.

This unforgetable evening foresees many "tomorrows" that will be promising for our project. I was approached by two journalists during the event - they wanted articles and I see it as my duty to ensure that the French speaking media and St.Columban's francophone community are well awre of the good news.

More than a "simple performamce", the evening of the 27th has gained a legitimacy that will gather momentum over the next few weeks.  

Bravo to all of you friends, and proceeding with this Epic!

Note - There is a good chance that the DVD will be reasy for March 27. An official launch might be appropriate! Salutations, Claude -

Just a few of the many positive notes about our event that I have received by e-mail

Bonjour Fergus

J?ai eu des commentaires des plus positifs en particulier dans ma famille qui ne s?attendait pas ? un spectacle d?un tel calibre professionnel. Le maire Charbonneau est venu parler avec moi ? la table et il m?a sembl? ?galement fort impressionn? au point o? il aimerait pr?senter le spectacle ? Saint-Colomban. Je m?attends ? avoir des come back ? ce sujet dans les prochains jours. J?ai parl? avec Mme Daoust (de la Fabrique) hier soir et ses commentaires ?taient fort ?logieux. Genevi?ve Maufette m?a envoy? un courriel mentionnant son ravissement  et elle m?a demand? les coordonn?es de Bernadette Short, un contrat possible pour la troupe au sein du spectacle historique que pr?pare Bill Gagnon.

J?ai eu la chance d??changer avec Helen et la plus jeune fille de Gerry Keyes. Elle m?a dit que son p?re aurait bien aim? ?tre avec nous. Ca m?a touch?, car au long de la soir?e je pensais justement ? lui.  

Il y avait  de la magie au cours de cette soir?e, comme on dit en fran?ais le jeu en valait la chandelle !

Claude (Bourguignon)

With the amount of hard work, positive energy, and creativity that went into this, no wonder it was such a success! Congratulations, one and all!!!    


Peter (Gossage)


Wow! You guys are sensational!

Kathy Lund

Hi Fergus,
Great to hear it was such a success!
There were some members of the Williams family present, however we were unable to attend due to major health problems in my family.


Don Williams

I can only add my congrats to everyone for last night's excellent
performance.  It was a real team effort and everyone did their
job and it came off beautifully.  John Davis kept saying he had
never worked on such a successful production.   Both acts were
perfect.  Job well done everyone and thanks for your efforts.

Margo (Heron)

Hello Fergus:
It was great seeing you Saturday night. You and your committee went above and beyond to make The St. Columban evening the great success that it was. Congratulations to all of you.
I was able to see some people that I had not seen in years, plus I met new friends for the first time. It was the highlight of the year for me.
Tim Funchion

Fergus, Congratulations on such a successful show!!!
Bob Slattery

Congrad's  Fergus on the Successful night !!!!!  Will there be a DVD Available for sale of the event ?

Steve Vollick

Congrats everyone! Sounds like it was a great success!

Jeff Legault

Hi Fergus
Congrats to you and all of the St. Columban group on the successful event.  I wish I could have been there.  I just got back fro two weeks in the Caribbean and I could not make it to Montreal.

Fergus - Delighted to hear it was a success and to have been in some small way associated with it even if less than intended. What was the final audience number?

Ned (Eustace)