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Full Version: Scheffer & McDonald Familes - St. Columban
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[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt]E-Mail Received....from Ray Cowan

Reference: 1851 Census

Hi guys.

I may have already sent this information, but thought that I would do so, just in case.

On page 3,:-

Numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 are the Scheffer family (two children born in St Colomban and in Church records and originally from the German Schaeffer with no ?e?, just an ?a umlaut?).  Number 5 is Eusebe (or Seb for short) with his wife Christian Miller (daughter of John Miller and Elizabeth Miller (nee Cowan ? my g.g.g aunt - of Lachute) and two children.  You will find the Scheffer family (and particularly son, Peter, who was also baptised in St Colomban) among the pioneers of Montana, to where they travelled from St Colomban ? Frenchtown, Missoula.

Numbers 38, 39 and 40 are the McDonald family.  Husband Duncan, son John, and Duncan?s wife Christian McDonald (nee Cowan ? Elizabeth Miller?s sister).

The reason I contacted you earlier, was to track down the latter family, but I have not had much luck ? given the common surname.  I think I may have the death details of Duncan (and maybe his son Duncan), but I am not positive.  I have found nothing on Christian McDonald, another g.g.g. aunt).

I hope this is of help, and if you can help me in return, I would be grateful.

Ray Cowan
Sydney, Australia
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