03-14-2006, 10:35 AM

To simplify researching, we are working at setting up the cemetery project page into four different groups.
There will be four categories to choose from with a short description of each:
1. Index: all individuals buried in the cemetery (I am developing a list (with the help of Nathalie Morneau) of every individual buried in the cemetery and indicating beside their name where to find them in our categories, ie broken stone section etc.).
2. Headstone section: Individuals buried in the cemetery with a headstone.
3. Missing headstone section: Individuals buried in the cemetery without
a headstone.
4. Broken headstone section: Individuals buried in the cemetery but
headstone is broken and removed.
We are planning on including pictures and transcriptions.
Another note:
It is important to know that the birth dates and death dates can vary two
to three days because often the baptismal day and burial day are recorded
rather than the actual birth date and day of death. The only sure way of
verifying is to check the original document.
Please contact: kelley.orourke@videotron.ca We can check our data base
for you.
OR you may visit the Archives Nationale du Quebec:
Archives Nationale du Quebec
535, avenue Viger Est
H2L 2P3