Census Information

1851 Census

Returns for Canada East
County of Two Mountains – Parish of St. Columban (520)

Transcribed by Fergus V. Keyes – May 2005 – fergus@panamsec.com – Tel: 514-935-3769


The original images are now available from Library and Archives Canada

1881 Canadian Census

To view the 1881 Census for St. Columban (and the rest of Canada), simply go the web site for the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints (Sometimes called The Mormons) at:


On the top of their opening page, click on Search. On the next Page, click on Census on the left side of the Page. In the Census Box that then appears at the top of the new page, scroll down to 1881 Canadian Census. Type in the information of the person that you are researching. When you find that person, at the top of the page, you will see “Household” and view everyone living in the Household in 1881.

1901 Canadian Census

To check out the 1901 Canadian Census for both St. Columban and the rest of Canada, go to the following link and follow the instructions. Thanks to me nephew, Sean Delaney, all of the 1901 Census for St. Columban, in a searchable database, can be found at this site…

Direct to St. Columban 1901 Census information:


(For general Information on other 1901 census information that has been transcribed)


1911 Canadian Census

The link for the 1911 St. Columban census. It brings you to the Deux Montagnes (Two Mountains Page) and you scroll down to St. Columban …


Sean Delaney has completed transcription of the 1911 Census for St. Columban, into a more readable format. To see what he has transcribed, please click on the following:


And the link for the general Canadian 1911 Overall Census, is to:


1851 Census

Returns for Canada East
County of Two Mountains – Parish of St. Columban (520)

Transcribed by Fergus V. Keyes – May 2005 – fergus@panamsec.com – Tel: 514-935-3769


The original images are now available from Library and Archives Canada