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  Bytown-Ottawa & St. Columban
Posted by: Fergus_Keyes - 03-14-2006, 09:39 PM - Forum: Vital Records - Births, Baptisms, Deaths, Marriages, etc. - Replies (1)


Al Lewis and our friends at the Bytown Site (Bytown is now actually Ottawa, Ontario) have included some notations about St. Columban on their web site. Thanks to Anne McLaughlin for bringing this to our attention. You can view this interesting information on the bytown site by going to:-


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  Ottawa citizen
Posted by: sean_delaney - 03-14-2006, 08:36 PM - Forum: General Enquiries - Replies (2)

When is the article about St Columban going to appear in the Citizen?


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  Births, Marriage, Death inquiries:  Ask us!
Posted by: kelley - 03-14-2006, 10:40 AM - Forum: Vital Records - Births, Baptisms, Deaths, Marriages, etc. - Replies (1)


Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have an enquiry regarding a birth, death and/0r marriage of your St. Columban ancestor.


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  Upcoming Cemetery research page
Posted by: kelley - 03-14-2006, 10:35 AM - Forum: News - Announcements - Events - Replies (2)

SmileA work in Progress!!  Coming soon!

To simplify researching,  we are working at setting up the cemetery project page into four different groups.

There will be four categories to choose from with a short description of each:

 1. Index:  all individuals buried in the cemetery (I am developing a list (with the help of Nathalie      Morneau) of every individual buried in the cemetery and indicating beside their name where to find them in our categories, ie broken stone section etc.).

2. Headstone section:  Individuals buried in the cemetery with a headstone.

3. Missing headstone section:  Individuals buried in the cemetery without
   a headstone.

4. Broken headstone section:  Individuals buried in the cemetery but
   headstone is broken and removed.

We are planning on including pictures and transcriptions.

Another note:

It is important to know that the birth dates and death dates can vary two
to three days because often the baptismal day and burial day are recorded
rather than the actual birth date and day of death.  The only sure way of
verifying is to check the original document.

Please contact: kelley.orourke@videotron.ca  We can check our data base
for you.

OR you may visit the Archives Nationale du Quebec:

Archives Nationale du Quebec
535, avenue Viger Est
H2L 2P3

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  Montreal around 1818
Posted by: Fergus_Keyes - 03-14-2006, 09:33 AM - Forum: General Enquiries - No Replies


This is a re-post from the Blog site.

Maureen Gallagher, who operates a Griffintown site at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Griffintown/ gave me permission to include this information on our site. It comments about general life in Montreal around 1818 and on, about the same time as the earliest St. Columban settlers arrived in Montreal.


[highlight]The Montreal Daily Star, February 5, 1881 [/highlight]

In 1881, Jedediah Hubbell Dorwin published his reminiscences of what Montreal was like when he arrived in 1816.  He had seen many changes in more than 60 years and one might suspect that his memory may have played tricks on him were it not for the fact that he had kept his journal faithfully, entering his observations on a daily basis.  These later proved useful to him in recalling the facts that are the substance of his article though he made a few corrections (or was corrected) following the publication.  The article was particularly insightful at the time, and perhaps even more so now, and caused a total sell out of the newspaper and a second printing.  A rival paper, hearing that he was about to publish an article entitled "Montreal in 1816" promptly came out with their own competing artical on the same day entitled "Montreal in 1806".  Dorwin cut out the article and dutifully pasted it into his diary.  His own article is reproduced below.

You'll find the article here.....it's easier to read on the page itself........

http://www.education.mcgill.ca/profs/cartwright/rawdon/mtlin1816.htm [highlight][/highlight]

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  Welcome Again to our Discussion Area
Posted by: Fergus_Keyes - 03-14-2006, 12:48 AM - Forum: News - Announcements - Events - No Replies

Hi Everyone & Welcome -

We have moved the "blog" site to this new area which should be easier for you all to access. Have fun.

Fergus Keyes

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  Including your genealogy online
Posted by: sean_delaney - 03-13-2006, 06:12 PM - Forum: Genealogy - Census - Replies (3)

For all the users of family tree software, I would suggest posting your family trees on the internet. It is not difficult to do, I would explain how to do it for anyone not sure how to do it. It has  helped me get leads a few times. It is free to do it where I have added mine. Here is my file on the internet;

Sean  8-)

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